Sunday, December 22, 2019

Why Euthanasia is Wrong Essay - 1256 Words

â€Å"Thou Shalt Not Kill† (Exodus 20: 13-14). One of the Ten Commandments put forward by God to Moses at the top of Mount Sinai. The killing of another human being is morally wrong and unacceptable. No one has the right to take away another persons life, whether it be through hatred and disgust, or compassion and love. Murder is murder. So why should those select few who work in the clinics of Switzerland, whose occupation is to assist in a person’s suicide, become immune from this law against murder. It is them who provide the patient with, and administer, the method of how they are going to die. To me, that sounds like murder. What gives someone else the right to take away another human being’s life? Euthanasia is wrong and immoral for†¦show more content†¦It also means that it slides from terminally ill patients using it, to anybody using it. For instance, people who become depressed and may see this as an option to end their depression, if it became available in the UK. For something as minor as depression (compared to terminal cancer), which can be treated through doctors and psychologists someone could take their life if they had this option. Also, doctors could see it as an opportunity to free up beds in a hospital and save it money at the same time. A 1998 study found that doctors who are cost-conscious and practice resource-conserving medicine are significantly more likely to write a lethal prescription for terminally-ill patients [Arch. Intern. Med., 5/11/98, p. 974]. This suggests to us that medical costs do influence doctors’ opinions. But doctors should not be involved in directly causing death. This brings us to the controversial point of active and passive euthanasia. Some people think there is no real difference between the two, since stopping a treatment and administering one are both deliberate acts. But there is a moral difference between letting a person die peacefully and deliberately killing the person. Thou shalt not kill but needst not strive, officiously, to keep alive.Show MoreRelatedShould Euthanasia Be Legalized?907 Words   |  4 Pagesactive euthanasia, which is a highly contentious issue in the United States. Voluntary active euthanasia is currently illegal in the United States. However, I believe that patients with terminal illnesses experiencing a lot of pain and misery should have the right to die the way they choose, with dignity, instead of being subjected to agony. People should be able to choose voluntary active euthanasia, if ever need be, which is why I believe that despite current poli cy, voluntary active euthanasia shouldRead MoreEuthanasi A Gentle And Easy Death1240 Words   |  5 Pagesright and life? B. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, Euthanasia is â€Å"a gentle and easy death.† 1. Euthanasia is not suicide. Suicide is taking one’s own life because one does not want to live C. 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